Pe to Square Meters | Acre to Pe | Pe to Square Feet


Pe to Square Meters | Acre to Pe | Pe to Square Feet

Pe to Square Meters | Acre to Pe | Pe to Square Feet
Pe is a traditional unit of land area measurement commonly in use in Taiwan. It is known as Phiàng in Hakka and Píng in Mandarin. It symbol is . It is the same as Japanese Tsubo. It is comparatively very small in value considering the other traditional units of area measurement in Taiwan. Being a traditional unit people want to know the value of Pe in standard units and hence they ask questions like 1 Pe is equal to how many square feet? or 1 Pe is equal to how many square meters? or 1 hectare consists of how many Pe ? or how many Pe make an acre ?
Now 1 Pe = 400/121 m² to be exact.
1 Pe = 3.305 square meters = 35.58 square feet (approx)

Convert Pe to other units of Land area measurement :
Convert from
Convert to

Area Conversion of Pe to other Units and vice versa:
1 Pe = 0.000816877294106332 Acre
1 Pe = 0.000330578512396694 Hectare
1 Pe = 35.5831749312718 Sq. Feet
1 Pe = 3.30578512396694 Sq. Meter
1 Pe = 3.30578512396694E-06 Sq. Kilometer
1 Pe = 3.95368610347465 Sq. Yard
1 Pe = 0.0816877294106332 Decimal
1 Pe = 6.81663258350375E-05 Le
1 Pe = 0.000340831629175187 Kah
1 Pe = 0.00340831629175188 Hun
1 Pe = 0.0333333333333333 Bo
1 Le = 14670 Pe
1 Kah = 2934 Pe
1 Hun = 293.4 Pe
1 Bo = 30 Pe
1 Acre = 1224.174067776 Pe
1 Hectare = 3025 Pe
1 Sq. Feet = 0.0281031696 Pe
1 Sq. Meter = 0.3025 Pe
1 Sq. Kilometer = 302500 Pe
1 Sq. Yard = 0.2529285264 Pe
1 Decimal = 12.24174067776 Pe

Frequently Asked Questions :
Q. 1 Acre consists of how many Pe ?
A. 1 Acre consists of approx 1224.17 Pe

Q. Convert Pe to Square Yards
A. 1 Pe is equal to 3.95368610347465 Sq. Yards

Q. Pe to other traditional units of land measurement
A. 1 Bo = 30 Pe and 1 Hun = 293.4 Pe and 1 Kah = 2934 Pe and 1 Le = 14670 Pe

Q. 1 Pe is how many sq feet?
A. 1 Pe = 35.5831749312718 Sq. Feet

Q. How many Pe make an Hectare (ha)?
A. 1 Hectare = 3025 Pe