Bigha to Vaar | Vingha to var in Gujarat


Bigha to Vaar | Vingha to var in Gujarat

Bigha to Vaar | Vingha to var in Gujarat
Bigha is a traditional unit of land area measurement. It is also known as Vingha, Vigha, Beegha etc in Gujarat. The other traditional unit still in use in Gujarat is Vaar or Var. So people generally want to know the relation between both these units and also wish to know their value in standard units such as square feet, Square yards etc. They ask questions like Convert Bigha to Vaar or Vingha to Var, Value of 1 Vingha in Vaar or Value of 1 bigha in Square Feet.
Now 1 Bigha = 17424 Square Feet and 1 Vaar = 9 Sq Ft
So 1 Bigha = 1936 Vaar or 1 Vingha = 1936 Var

Convert Bigha to other units of Land area measurement :
Convert from
Convert to

Area Conversion of Bigha to other Units and vice versa:
1 Bigha = 0.4 Acre
1 Bigha = 0.161874256896 Hectare
1 Bigha = 17424 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 1618.74256896 Sq. Meter
1 Bigha = 0.00161874256896 Sq. Kilometer
1 Bigha = 1936 Sq. Yard
1 Bigha = 40 Decimal
1 Bigha = 1936 Vaar
1 Vaar = 0.000516528925619835 Bigha
1 Acre = 2.5 Bigha
1 Hectare = 6.17763453667913 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 5.73921028466483E-05 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.000617763453667913 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 617.763453667913 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000516528925619835 Bigha
1 Decimal = 0.025 Bigha

Frequently Asked Questions :
Q. 1 Acre consists of how many Bigha in Gujarat?
A. 1 Acre consists of 2.5 Bighas

Q. Convert Hectare (ha) to Bigha in Gujarat
A. 1 Hectare = 6.17763453667913 Bigha

Q. Bigha to Traditional units of land measurement in Gujarat
A. 1 Bigha = 1936 Var

Q. 1 Bigha is how many sq yards ?
A. 1 Bigha is 1936 sq yards

Q. Are Bigha and Vingha different units?
A. No they are same, just pronounced differently