Kuncham to Square Feet | Kuncham to Guntha in Andhra Pradesh


Kuncham to Square Feet | Kuncham to Guntha in Andhra Pradesh

Kuncham to Square Feet | Kuncham to Guntha in Andhra Pradesh
Kuncham is a land measurement unit for area. Kuncham is mainly used in south India in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Being a traditional unit of area people wish to know its value in standard units of area like sq ft, sq yards, acre etc. They want to know 1 Kuncham is equal to how many sq feet ? or convert Kuncham to guntha or 1 Kuncham is equal to how many cent ?
1 Kuncham = 4356 Square Feet = 484 sq. Yards = 10 Cent

Convert Kuncham to other units of Land area measurement :
Convert from
Convert to

Area Conversion of Kuncham to other Units and vice versa:
1 Kuncham = 0.1 Acre
1 Kuncham = 0.040468564224 Hectare
1 Kuncham = 4356 Sq. Feet
1 Kuncham = 404.68564224 Sq. Meter
1 Kuncham = 0.00040468564224 Sq. Kilometer
1 Kuncham = 484 Sq. Yard
1 Kuncham = 10 Cent / Decimal
1 Kuncham = 484 Gajam
1 Kuncham = 4 Guntha
1 Kuncham = 60.5 Ankanam
1 Gajam = 0.00206611570247934 Kuncham
1 Guntha = 0.25 Kuncham
1 Ankanam = 0.0165289256198347 Kuncham
1 Acre = 10 Kuncham
1 Hectare = 24.7105381467165 Kuncham
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000229568411386593 Kuncham
1 Sq. Meter = 0.00247105381467165 Kuncham
1 Sq. Kilometer = 2471.05381467165 Kuncham
1 Sq. Yard = 0.00206611570247934 Kuncham
1 Cent / Decimal = 0.1 Kuncham

Frequently Asked Questions :
Q. 1 Acre consists of how many Kuncham ?
A. 1 Acre consists of 10 Kuncham

Q. Convert Hectare (ha) to Kuncham
A. 1 Hectare = 24.7105381467165 Kuncham

Q. Kuncham to Traditional units of land measurement in Andhra Pradesh
A. 1 Kuncham = 484 Gajam = 4 Guntha = 60.5 Ankanam

Q. 1 Kuncham is how many sq yards ?
A. 1 Kuncham is 484 sq yards

Q. 1 Kuncham is how many Cent or Decimal ?
A. 1 Kuncham is 10 Cent or Decimal