Le to acre | Le to Hectare


Le to acre | Le to Hectare

Le to acre | Le to Hectare
is a traditional unit of land area measurement which is mainly used in Taiwan. It is known as Lài in Hakka or Lí in Mandarin. Its represented by character . Since it is a traditional unit of land area measurement, people want to know the equivalent value of Le in standard Metric and US imperial units, so they ask questions like 1 Le is equal to how many hectares (ha)? or 1 Lê is equal to how many Acres ?
Le is a fairly large value unit in comparison to other standard units of measurement.
1 Lê = 5868000 / 121 m²
So approximately,
1 Le = 11.984 Acre = 4.8496 ha

Convert Lê to other units of Land area measurement :
Convert from
Convert to

Area Conversion of Lê to other Units and vice versa:
1 Le = 11.9835899045399 Acre
1 Le = 4.8495867768595 Hectare
1 Le = 522005.176241757 Sq. Feet
1 Le = 48495.867768595 Sq. Meter
1 Le = 0.048495867768595 Sq. Kilometer
1 Le = 58000.575137973 Sq. Yard
1 Le = 1198.35899045399 Decimal
1 Le = 5 Kah
1 Le = 50 Hun
1 Le = 489 Bo
1 Le = 14670 Pe
1 Kah = 0.2 Le
1 Hun = 0.02 Le
1 Bo = 0.00204498977505112 Le
1 Pe = 6.81663258350375E-05 Le
1 Acre = 0.0834474483828221 Le
1 Hectare = 0.206203135650988 Le
1 Sq. Feet = 1.91568981595092E-06 Le
1 Sq. Meter = 2.06203135650988E-05 Le
1 Sq. Kilometer = 20.6203135650988 Le
1 Sq. Yard = 1.72412083435583E-05 Le
1 Decimal = 0.000834474483828221 Le

Frequently Asked Questions :
Q. 1 Le consists of how many acre
A. 1 Le consists of 11.9835899045399 Acre

Q. Convert Le to Square Yards
A. 1 Le is equal to approx 58000 Square Yards

Q. Le to other traditional units of land measurement
A. 1 Le = 5 Kah = 50 Hun = 489 Bo = 14670 Pe

Q. 1 Le is how many sq feet?
A. 1 Le = 522005.176241757 Sq. Feet

Q. 1 Le is how many Hectare (ha)?
A. 1 Le = 4.8495867768595 Hectare