Convert Bigha to Square Feet (Sq.Ft.) in Punjab

Bigha is a traditional unit of land area measurement. Value of Bigha is different in different regions of the state. But generally 1 Bigha = 0.208 acres or 4.8 Bighas = 1 acre.
We would like to know 1 Bigha is equal to how many square feet (sq.ft.) ?
Since 1 Bigha = 0.2 acres = 0.2 x 43560 sq.ft. = 9075 sq.ft.
So 1 Bigha = 9075 Sq. feet.
Below converter is based on this calculation,
to convert Bigha to other units of Land area measurement :
Area Conversion of Bigha to other Units and vice versa:
1 Bigha = 0.208333333333333 Acres
1 Bigha = 0.0843095088 Hectares
1 Bigha = 9075 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 843.095088 Sq. Meters
1 Bigha = 0.000843095088 Sq. Kilometers
1 Bigha = 1008.33333333333 Sq. Yards
1 Bigha = 20.8333333333333 Cent
1 Acre = 4.8 Bigha
1 Hectare = 11.8610583104239 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000110192837465565 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.00118610583104239 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 1186.10583104239 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000991735537190083 Bigha
1 Cent = 0.048 Bigha
1 Bigha = 0.208333333333333 Acres
1 Bigha = 0.0843095088 Hectares
1 Bigha = 9075 Sq. Feet
1 Bigha = 843.095088 Sq. Meters
1 Bigha = 0.000843095088 Sq. Kilometers
1 Bigha = 1008.33333333333 Sq. Yards
1 Bigha = 20.8333333333333 Cent
1 Acre = 4.8 Bigha
1 Hectare = 11.8610583104239 Bigha
1 Sq. Feet = 0.000110192837465565 Bigha
1 Sq. Meter = 0.00118610583104239 Bigha
1 Sq. Kilometer = 1186.10583104239 Bigha
1 Sq. Yard = 0.000991735537190083 Bigha
1 Cent = 0.048 Bigha